Step 6 – Engage other growers and community members

Getting involved in an area-wide approach to manage Qfly means better protection of your crops, as well as helping your community and its vital industries to manage a problematic pest for an improved future. The more properties actively involved in supporting an AWM approach, the more effective it will be.

Furthermore, the more people involved, the fairer it will be – because more people will be seen to be contributing. Research has found that a sense of fairness – that others are seen to contribute in a fair way – was a critical driver of decisions to participate in AWM. Seeing that others are participating not only encourages more people to join in, but also bolsters the ongoing commitment of those who are already contributing.

Working together to suppress Qfly in your area, and with the activities of other groups, will strengthen local industries and support your community. Contact your Qfly regional coordinator, industry body, agronomist or state department for further information on Qfly control and AWM activities in your area.